Here in Concord the kids go back to school just a few days ahead of Labor Day weekend but Facebook posts are reminding me that in some parts of the country children are already in school! It's not too early then (and in some venues even a little bit late!) for my annual posting of Back-To-School Prayers.
In this post you'll find 3 Back-To-School Prayers I've written for those who are returning to the classroom: one for parents, one for students and one for teachers. In addition to yourself and your immediate family, who in your extended family, in your parish or among your neighbors and friends might benefit from these prayers? Please do pass them on! In my parish we distribute these prayers with the bulletin just before school begins.
You might think of praying the Student's Prayer at home with your children, on the first day of school. Or you could slip a copy into backpacks and lunch kits - and of course, the refrigerator door makes a good home for these texts.
Following my three prayers, you'll find two texts for Empty Nesters: my own and another by Diana Macalintal, taken from Diana's fine book, The Work of Your Hands: Prayers for Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments of Grace, published by Liturgical Press and reprinted here with permission.
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Dear God,
A Student's Prayer
Help me remember that you’re always by my side,
at school and all day long.
Help me be the best student I can be,
using all the gifts and talents you’ve given me.
Help me study well and often
– especially when I don’t feel like studying at all!
Help me finish all my homework – on time.
Help me listen to my teachers and coaches.
Help me play fair and play safely.
Help me be honest when I’m tempted to cheat.
Help me always tell the truth.
Help me be kind to everyone at school
and to treat others as I’d want them to treat me.
Help me make good friends
and help me be a good friend to others.
Help me see how I can help others
and to ask for help when I need it myself.
Help me love and respect, trust and appreciate my parents
- and be honest with them.
Help me remember that you’re with me always, Lord,
and that you’ll never leave my side.
+ + +
Dear Lord,
A Parent's Prayer for Students
As my children leave for school,
I pray you keep them in your care.
Send your Spirit to open their minds
to all that's true and beautiful and good.
Help them see the gifts and talents
you have given them
and teach them to use them well.
Help them to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Help them to be kind to others
and lead others to be kind to them.
Give their teachers patience and understanding
and help them teach what's just and true.
Send your angels to guide and guard my children
and to keep them from all harm.
Open their young hearts to your presence
and enfold them in your peace and protection.
Hold them in the palm of your hand, Lord,
and at day's end, bring them safely home.
+ + +
A Teacher's Prayer Dear God,
A new school year is about to begin
and my classroom door will soon open
to the students you've assigned to my care...
Open my mind and heart to each of them
and especially to the ones
who will challenge me the most...
Help me challenge my students, all of them,
to study, to learn, to grow in knowledge
and even a little wisdom...
Help me remember, Lord,
how young my students are:
give me patience to help them grow up
and insight to know the help they need...
Help me understand that sometimes
my students may not understand me:
help me be clear in all I say and do...
My students don't know the burdens and worries
my heart brings to the classroom, Lord,
so help me remember
how anxious and how heavy my students' hearts may be...
Keep me from favoring any particular students, Lord,
except for those who need my help the most...
Let my choices and decisions in the classroom
be fair and just, honest and true...
Send your Spirit to fill me with gifts
of knowledge and understanding, counsel and wisdom…
Lord, open my mind and heart to my students' parents,
especially those who'll challenge me the most...
Help me challenge parents to challenge their children
to study, to learn and to grow...
Teach me to teach as you would, Lord:
with understanding when I need to be firm,
with gentleness in all things and with patience ‘til the last bell rings… Amen.
ConcordPastor.blogspot. com
+ + +
Prayers for Empty Nesters
A friend wrote to me about how hard it was to see her child go off to college: seems the tears just wouldn't
stop flowing... I replied:
When a son is leaving home:
Yes... I understand,
but it was, in part, for just this
that you brought him into the world:
for him to grow and mature,
to begin to be on his own,
loving you not any less at all
and in fact, perhaps,
loving you all the more
for all you've given him thus far
and all that you'll give still
as he becomes, more and more,
his own man...
Through your tears,
ask God to help you find the joy
that should be yours
in seeing what a fine young man
you've raised:
your son, born of you,
of your love and all your care...
When a daughter is leaving home:
Yes.... I understand
but it was, in part,
for just this
that you brought her into the world:
for her to grow and mature,
to begin to be on her own,
loving you not any less at all
and in fact, perhaps,
loving you all the more
for all you've given her thus far
and all you'll give her still
as she becomes, more and more,
her own woman...
Through your tears,
ask God to help you find the joy
that should be yours
in seeing what a fine young woman
you've raised:
your daughter, born of you,
of your love and all your care...
Yes.... I understand
but it was, in part,
for just this
that you brought her into the world:
for her to grow and mature,
to begin to be on her own,
loving you not any less at all
and in fact, perhaps,
loving you all the more
for all you've given her thus far
and all you'll give her still
as she becomes, more and more,
her own woman...
Through your tears,
ask God to help you find the joy
that should be yours
in seeing what a fine young woman
you've raised:
your daughter, born of you,
of your love and all your care...
+ + +
Gracious God, you blessed me with the gift of my child
and entrusted me with her care.
Surround her with good people and watch over her each day.
And let her know that I will always be near
whenever she may need me.
Heal any hurts we may harbor with each other
and forgive our failings
as we learn to be in a new kind of relationship with each other.
And when the sight of her empty room
pierces my heart with sadness,
may I find comfort in knowing that my child is your child too,
filled with your grace and sheltered by your love.
Copyright 2014 by Order of Saint Benedict. Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota. Used with permission.
A Parent’s Prayer When A Son Leaves Home
Gracious God, you blessed me with the gift of my child
Now he leaves this home and begins a new life apart from me.
Surround him with good people and watch over him each day.
And let him know that I will always be near
whenever he may need me.
Heal any hurts we may harbor with each other
and forgive our failings
as we learn to be in a new kind of relationship with each other.
And when the sight of his empty room
pierces my heart with sadness,
may I find comfort in knowing that my child is your child too,
filled with your grace and sheltered by your love.
Copyright 2014 by Order of Saint Benedict. Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota. Used with permission.

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