
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 9/24

Source unknown

I visited a friend in prison, Lord,
and while driving home I thought:
in some ways Rich is freer than I...

He's facing three years time and yet
he lives in the moment,
day by day, hour by hour,
mindful of his circumstances,
freely taking responsibility
for why he's where he is...

He's grateful for what he has
- not much in terms of things -
his greatest possessions, he told me:
his integrity and loyalty to friends...

His time is structured for him,
his movement always monitored
but he flies beyond his confines
reading everything he can
and writing letters and a journal,
a chronicle of time he spends -

In some ways, Lord, my friend in prison
is freer than I with all my freedom
to come and go as I please
and yet so often find myself
locked in, locked up, locked down...

So help me break the bonds of yesterday
and let no fears imprison me
or keep me from the freedom
of knowing and accepting
the day which I am living... 

Make me mindful of my circumstances
day by day and hour by hour,
taking full responsibility
for why I am where I am,
how I got here
and where I'm going...

Give me freedom just to know my best possessions:
the real, the important, the lasting gifts
that count as treasure of more value
than all else that I might own...
Let me spend my time productively,
wasting not a moment,
as I chronicle the journey of my life
and spend my days,
waiting for the freedom
I'll only find in you...


(An older, related post)

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