Homily for the Third Sunday of Advent
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
Audio for homily
Is there anything that stands in the way of your having
the best Christmas
Is there a desert, a
parched land of sadness or grief or disappointment
that stands between you
and the peace and joy of Christmas?
Is there a problem, a
difficulty, an anxiety, a burden you carry,
or some worry or anxiety
weighing on your heart;
Is there a grudge, a
resentment, a broken relationship
that blinds or deafens or
weakens you on your walk through Advent
to the coming season of
merriment, peace and joy?
Is there an unanswered
prayer, an unfulfilled dream, a hope not realized
that tries your faith and
your patience?
Does something inside you
wait and long to hear some good news?
All the things I’ve just
mentioned can make of Christmas
a season that intensifies
the brokenness some folks live with
and the burdens some souls
carry day to day.
These feelings, these
problems, these concerns seem just what no one
would want to
experience at this time of year - and yet…
And yet, it’s for people
in just these circumstances,
and in one way or another
- that’s all of us.
And it’s for just these
reasons that God’s Word became flesh
and was born, an innocent,
beautiful child,
in Bethlehem some 2,000
years ago.
What a shame it would be if
we let all the tinsel and glitter
and the Ho-Ho-Ho back us
into darkened corners
and keep us from meeting
the One who came precisely
to quench our thirst for
to rescue us from deserts
of despair,
to lighten the load we
to anoint the wounds of
our worry,
to encourage us in our
to heal hearts burdened
and broken by grief and loss,
to open our eyes to what
is yet to be,
to speak a word of promise
and hope,
to be the answer to our
when it seems that our
prayer has no answer…
• The birth of Jesus is
God’s response to the pain and brokenness
all of us know at one time
or another -or even often- in our lives.
• The life of Jesus is the
bridge God builds to help us survive
when the path we walk
seems too treacherous to tread,
or beckons us to
short-cuts neither healthy nor wise,
or when our path seems a
dead end with no way out.
• The gospel of Jesus is
God’s Word of Wisdom
spoken to help us discern
what’s true, what’s just,
what’s honorable, what’s
what’s right, what’s real,
what’s truly good for us and for others.
• And the suffering and
death of Jesus
show us the depths of
God’s love for us and assure us
that regardless of how
dire our straits, how low our spirits,
how heavy our burdens, how
difficult the journey,
these are precisely the
paths that lead us to peace,
the peace promised to all
and given now, finally,
to those who attend to the
birth, the life, the truth, the mystery
of the child born in a
stable in Bethlehem.
Your problems and
may be keeping your
spirits low these days
but don’t hesitate in this
Advent time to lift up your burdens
to the One who offers to
carry them on his back
and rejoice, yes rejoice, not in any sorrow or pain that
may be yours
but in the One who comes
from God,
who is himself no stranger
to all that weighs us down.
Now, f you’re in great
spirits tonight with nary a care in the world -
God love you, God bless
And please, don’t let my
thoughts here diminish your seasonal joy.
Likewise, if you resonate
with what I’ve said,
don’t let my words make
your load any heavier than it already is.
Rather, let’s all of us
come to the Lord’s Table, the altar of his love,
for he offers us here what
he offered on the Cross
and what he offered in his
birth at Bethlehem:
his presence among us, his
word and wisdom,
his Body and Blood, his
mercy and his love
all that we might find joy
when our hearts are heavy,
hope when all seems bleak
and that peace,
that deep joyful peace,
that is only his to give.

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