
Word for the Weekend: April 2


The Fifth Sunday of Lent brings us the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  It's a well known story and on that count alone, it deserves our reading and study beforehand lest we take it for granted or pay it less attention than it deserves.

Raising of Lazarus by Edward Knippers

The first scripture of the day brings us a portion of a longer reading from Ezekiel we'll hear at the Easter Vigil"  "I will open your graves and have you rise from them!"  The relationship of this text to the gospel account is compelling.

"The One who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also..."  This line from the second lesson, from Romans, clearly connects with the thread that weaves the days texts as one.

Certainly, these readings prepare us for the celebration of Easter but on any day of the year they confirm our faith in the promise of life after death and renew our hope that one day we shall be gathered together again in the joy of God's kingdom.

The texts for this Sunday and commentary on them are here.  Bringing children to Mass this weekend?  Here are hints for helping them prepare to hear the Lord's Word.

Remember that our familiarity with this story warrants greater preparation, not less!

(Follow this link for Ben Meyer's reflection on Edward Knippers' art (above) at Theology Forum.)

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