just plain powerless..
I'm powerless over peoples' illnesses
powerless over the days of their pain and distress
and their waiting for relief
that doesn't seem to come
so I join my prayers to theirs, Lord
and hope that you'll be powerful
where we are so very weak...
I'm powerless, Lord, over peoples' grieving
the abuse of the innocent,
over terrorism and the fear it brings
so in prayer I as do we all
that your power will bring healing
especially where peace is slow to come...
I'm powerless, Lord, over peoples' plates
already piled high with fears and disappointments,
anxieties and worry,
and I'm powerless over the long days and nights
that only add to the burdens they already bear...
so I join my prayer to the pleas of the weary
that you will bring rest and relief
for those bent low, weighed down by their waiting...
I'm powerless, Lord,
over questions I can't answer,
problems I can't solve,
pain I can't relieve
and concerns beyond my reach...
so I pray for truth and the courage to speak it,
for wisdom and gentleness in sharing it
and for a healing touch when it's mine to offer...
I'm powerless over much, Lord,
but not over everything
and so I ask you to help me know what I can do
as well as I see what what's beyond my reach
- and for the power to do what I'm able to do...
Show us your power when we're powerless, Lord,
and help us find our strength in you...
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