
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 2/8

Change can be tough, Lord:
even transitions to times and places
we look forward to and anticipate with joy...

Transitions require leaving some things behind
(that's often the hard part)
and facing and meeting the new and unknown
(that's the scary part)...

This past week has been, day by day,
part joyful,
part difficult
and part scary
- and not necessarily in that order...

But looking back, Lord,
I see how you've been with me
every step along the way:
   opening me to the joyful parts
      when sadness dogged my steps;
   easing me through the hard parts
      when I felt most unsure;
   emboldening me to move ahead
      when apprehension held me back
all this, day by day
- not necessarily in this order...

You've walked me through this change, Lord,
settling me in my new home,
grateful for memories of what has been,
strengthened, readied for what is yet to be...

For all this, Lord,
I praise and thank you -
and I offer one more prayer:
   be with others in transition
      as you have been with me -
   open their hearts to all the ways
      you're walking with them
         from one place to another,
         from the old to the new,
         from yesterday to tomorrow,
         from illness to health,
         from grief to healing,
         from doubt to faith
         and from hopelessness to trust in you...

Help others in transition find and know
   the joy of what is yet to come,
   the promise of your presence
   and the strength you offer all
   who make their way
   from one place to another...



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