
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 3/12

Source unknown

Sometimes, Lord, I can feel like I'm in a prison
but now's the season to pray 
for the gift of freedom offered us 
in the peace and grace of Easter -
and so I make this my Lenten prayer:
Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
when I'm locked up,
locked in,
locked down...

Give me freedom in my heart
when I'm imprisoned by my past...

Give me freedom in my heart
to break the shackles of old habits...

Give me freedom in my heart
when I'm walled in by lonely days...

Give me freedom in my heart
when I'm confined by sleepless nights...

Give me freedom in my heart,
when all my hope is held a hostage...

Give me freedom in my heart
when doubt incarcerates my trust…

Give me freedom in my heart:
rend the chains of my resentments...

Give me freedom in my heart
to slip the handcuffs of my shame...

Give me freedom in my heart
and unbind what holds me fast...

Give me freedom in my heart
to know your saving peace and pardon…

Give me freedom in my heart
to welcome in your word of mercy...

Give me freedom in my heart
to find my innocence restored…

Give me freedom in my heart
to be the person you created...

Give me freedom in my heart, Lord,
 let your grace my freedom be…

Open Door to a New World by Michael Bednarek


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