
Pocket Prayer: FRIDAY 3/8

The image above is a pocket Cross we're distributing in my parish this Lent: a portable, daily reminder of the ashes we received and the Lenten pledges we made on Ash Wednesday. If you'd like one of these Crosses for your own, check here.  Each day this Lent I'll offer a brief thought here (Pocket Prayers) about how Jesus might touch our lives in this holy season.  I hope this will help all of us to be more faithful on our Lenten journey to Easter.

Pocket Prayer for FRIDAY after Ash Wednesday

Still wrestling with the  notion, Lord,
that you're there to touch my life every day...

Looking for some evidence, I guess...

So, help me open my eyes
and my mind's eyes and my heart's eyes
and let me see, with hindsight,
the ways in the past you've touched my life -
especially the ways and times
when I didn't see that it was you,
when I didn't know that it was your touch
reaching out to me, holding me up,
forgiving me, strengthening me,
healing me and helping me go on...

Jesus, touch my life by helping me see
how you've touched my life before
and so open my eyes
to how you'll touch my life today...



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