Thanks for the memories, Lord,
for the waterfall of memories
cascading in my heart last night...
Memories of the last 20+ years
shared with a family in my former parish,
memories of a mom and dad and their three children,
one an infant when I met her,
before her brother and sister were born...
Memories of how these parents loved each other,
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health...
Memories of how they loved their children
and raised them in the faith,
teaching by their words and deeds
that you, O God, are love,
the Lord of all our lives...
Memories of First Communions and Confirmations,
memories of Quinceañeras and scouting
memories of Sunday Mass every week,
memories of praying at table in their dining room
as we did last night
over caprese and cerviche
and peach and bluberry pie
- a la mode!
What a gift to be part of these memories, Lord,
to be part of the lives of people
whose love for you, for each other and for me
is pure gift from your hand and your heart...
Thanks for the memories, Lord,
for the waterfall of memories
cascading in my heart last night...
Thanks for the memories, Lord,
for graced, blessed, memories
living and breathing, ever fresh
in the minds and hearts,
the faces and arms,
in the smiles and tears of 20+ years
in the lives of a family of friends
I love...

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