
Pause for Prayer: 8/27 TUESDAY

Photo by CP

"Untitled," a mural by Katharina Grosse, was painted on fabric in three overlapping panels in 2019, commissioned for a current exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts. "Untitled" is forty-eight feet long and sixteen feet high and hung as the artist intended, a portion of the piece extending out on the floor.

I don't really understand exactly what color is, Lord,
or how it works
or how I'm able to distinguish one color from another -
I only know color's critical importance
in every joy that's mine...

And I imagine, Lord,
in my own limited way,
I imagine that all the colors I see,
including subtle tones and shades
far beyond my eye's discerning,
I imagine all color to be the refraction
of the pure and eternal light you are,
a rainbow of your beauty,
an infinite palette of your glory
gently, delicately, boldly, indelibly brushed
across the whole of creation
and in the nooks and crannies
of my heart of hearts...

For the color you are and add
and bring to my life, Lord,
I give you thanks and praise...



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