
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 8/29

Whatever may happen today, Lord,
no matter how hard it may be,
it will not, it cannot, put me beyond
your reach,
your arms,
your care...

Whatever may happen today, Lord,
no matter how frightened it makes me,
it will not, it cannot, put me beyond
your protection,
your shelter,
your power...

Whatever may happen today, Lord,
no matter how quite unexpected,
it will not, it cannot, put me beyond
your plan,
your wisdom,
your will...

No matter what happens today, Lord,
whatever besets or befalls me,
it will not, it cannot, put me beyond
your compassion,
your mercy,
your love...

So, bring it, world! Bring it life!
Whatever may land in my lap today
with God's saving help and presence:
I'll survive,
and I'll make it!



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