
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 8/30

Falmouth, MA by Mark Penta

I can't count, Lord,
or even guess,
how many and how beautiful,
how plentiful the treasures
you offer me each day...

And I wonder: how many of these
do I altogether miss?

When I'm seeking cheaper riches,
I'm too quickly satisfied...

If I don't expect your gifts,
they'll likely pass me by...

If I don't seek out such favors,
they'll escape my lazy notice...

Open my eyes, then, Lord,
to the bounty of your treasure...

Open my heart to your many gifts,
hiding in plain sight...

Open my mind to the lustrous pearls
of your wisdom and your word...

Open my soul to the gems of grace
you sprinkle on my path...

And, Lord,
don't let me miss those diamonds,
strewn so generously, shimmering
and calling me to find you in the water,
lapping at the Falmouth shore...



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