
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 11/1

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One day last week
I was about to make a poor choice, Lord:
fixin' to follow my own bad advice;
ready to walk a well-known path
   that's never failed to lead
      to disappointment and regret...

That's where I was heading, Lord,
and I didn't look for help
   (in spite of what I needed),
I didn't ask for grace,
   (and yes, I know I really should have)
and I didn't nod to your presence
  (though you were right there at my side)...

But you helped me anyway, Lord -
   in spite of all my carelessness,
      my foolishness and folly,
         you helped me nonetheless...

Your grace flowed freely through my heart,
   your wisdom gently guided me;
      you walked me down the right path
         when I might have lost my way...

You kept me from a lesser choice,
   cut through my self-deception;
      you led me down the path of truth,
         you saved me from myself...

You offered help I didn't seek,
   and grace I truly needed,
      you stayed by me, a faithful friend,
         no cost for all your loving care...

I've no idea how often, Lord,
   you save me from myself,
      how many times you take my part
         and keep me from harm's way...

Too often, Lord, I'm unaware
   when your arm lifts and saves me
      so here's my thanks for last week's love
         and all that comes tomorrow...



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