
I'm away on retreat: please pray for and with me...

Chapel at Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester

I'm away for a week on my annual retreat at Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester.  This is a directed retreat, spent mostly in silence.  About 40 other priests and deacons are on retreat with me but silence is the rule of the house.  The only spoken conversation you have is a daily half hour meeting with your retreat director.  And of course we pray and sing aloud at mass each day.  Other than that, this is a week of silence that I very much look forward to!

I'm aware of how fortunate I am to have this time - and I'd like to share it with you.  So, while I'm on retreat I'll post something from my prayer and reflection each day, something that I think might be a prayer-starter for you, too.

Please pray for me this week - and be sure I'll be praying for you!


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