As soon as I unpacked my bag and got settled in my room here at Eastern Point Retreat House, I went directly to the chapel to pray...
I sat down and immediately felt a sense of homecoming, of returning to a place my heart and soul know well, a place where I have, for years now, come to spend time with the Lord...
All year long I meet Jesus in ways too many to count but the way I meet him each year here, in Gloucester, is unique. Here on retreat it's just the Lord and me, the very essence of quality time...
If you'd like to join me on retreat this week, begin by taking a few quiet minutes to recall a situation when you had some quality time with Jesus... When was that? What was happening in your life at that moment? What do you remember of that experience? Can you ask the Lord for a homecoming moment? Can you ask the Lord to help you revisit that time, that experience, that closeness?
Most of us are fairly adept at remembering the times we wondered if God had forgotten us. For some reason, we're less inclined to remember the times when he was right by our side... Spend some time in quiet prayer remembering the blessings of your quality time with the Lord... Ask him to bring you home to that same experience today and enjoy some quality time with Jesus once again...

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