Here's Peter Hollens' contemporary, haunting rendition of a classic Advent song that inspired me to write today's Pause for Prayer. Note that only Peter Hollens' voice is heard on this recording! Here's a video edition of the same recording.
A song to sing while waiting in Advent,
while waiting for Christmas,
waiting in faith,
waiting in hope,
waiting for love,
waiting for peace,
waiting for Jesus...
A song to sing while wanting and waiting
for wounds to be healed,
the broken made whole,
the divided reconciled,
the empty filled,
justice done,
compassion shown
and comfort given...
A song to sing while watching and waiting
'til the hungry be fed,
the naked clothed,
the homeless sheltered,
the imprisoned cared for,
the bound set free,
the sick healed,
the sinner pardoned
and the stranger welcomed in...
A song to sing while working and waiting
for truth to be spoken,
wisdom revealed,
counsel given,
knowledge gained,
understanding reached,
unity achieved
and peace made...
A song to sing while waiting and waiting
'til desire be purified,
prayer answered,
longing satisfied,
hope fulfilled,
dreams come true
joy abound
and the restless heart
be found at peace with God...
A song to sing, a word to tell,
'til all rejoice with Israel:
God's with us now, Emmanuel!
Rejoice, rejoice again, I say,
for Love was born on Christmas day!

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