
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 4/18

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No matter how high the trees,
   no matter how close the branches,
      no matter how dense the foliage:
your light shines through, O Lord...

No matter how gray the sky,
   no matter how thick the clouds,
      no matter how heavy the rain:
your light shines through, O Lord...

No matter how black the night,
   no matter how few the twinkling stars,
      no matter how thin the silvery moon:
your light shines through, O Lord...

No matter how dark my path, 
   no matter how gray my thoughts,
      no matter the tears that dim my sight,
your light shines through, O Lord...

No matter how bad the news,
   no matter how grim the numbers,
      no matter how long the wait,
your light shines through, O Lord...

No matter the shadows of fear,
   no matter the dusk of doubt:
lift my eyes and my heart to see, O Lord,
   how your light shines through on me...


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