
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 5/5

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Sometimes when I pray, Lord,
I imagine sitting next to you
on a park bench, on a warm day,
a grassy carpet at my feet...

Sometimes we just sit there, 
you and I, just the two of us,
in a moment made holy
by the silence we share...

Or I pour out my heart to you

and share my cares and worries
while you listen 
and gently wipe away my tears...

Sometimes I savor memories 

of former, joyful, peaceful times,
held deep within my heart,
stored up for harder days...

Sometimes I wait and listen, 

(oh, how I listen!)
for a word that you might whisper
right from your heart to my own...

And sometimes I hear nothing 
save the silence of your presence
and often, though not always, Lord, 
that's word enough for me...

I never have to wait for you:
you're always at our bench,
waiting there for me
and for all my heart may hold...

You're never in a hurry, Lord,

you're always pleased to stay 
and pass the time for just as long
as I may need or want...

And you listen, Lord,
while birds chirp in the trees,
you listen oh-so-closely when my silence
is the only prayer I make... 

You listen close with all your heart
to every prayer that's mine:
you hear my words, my silence, too,
and that makes all the difference...

Sometimes when I pray
I imagine sitting next to you
on a park bench, on a warm day,
a grassy carpet at my feet...

It's time to talk today, Lord.
I'll meet you at our bench!



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