
Monday Morning Offering: 6/22

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

In spite of all that's going on, Lord,
you've given this summer a beautiful beginning:
warm, sunny days topped off with evening breezes,
just right for sleeping with the windows open,
just a sheet for a cover...

Of course, I know this will change...

There'll be hot, hazy humid stretches
and folks will be complaining, asking,
"When will this heat wave end?"

And it will, until another comes
and maybe yet another, Lord,
before this summer nods
and  mild days and cooler nights return
to find us asking,
"Where did the summer go?"

Oh, yes... we'll make it through the summer
and welcome autumn's beauty
while hoping that the winter
won't be too hard on us this year...

Would that I weathered the seasons of my life
as well as I endure the heat, the sun, the cold, the snow
and move through seasons changing,
trusting soon enough my favorite one
will come 'round once again...

Touch the changing climate of my days, Lord,
with hope, with trust in you,
knowing that as seasons come and go
- none will last forever...

The seasons change, turn and offer
rest and joy in summertime,
a brush with nature's dying in the fall,
the long, cold sleep of winter's chill
and new life every spring
alive with promise, hope and joy...

So, I offer you this summer, Lord,
its sunfed heat seeping deep into my soul,
warming me from the inside out
with the light you made to rule the day,
with the love you gave to rule my heart...

Help me live through my life, Lord,
as I live through the seasons of the year:
a month at a time, a week at a time, a day at a time,
spending my time for others,
giving thanks and praise to you!



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