
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 6/22

Lord, I don't know anyone not troubled these days
by the virus, the scourge of racism, the political unrest,
the lock-down, unemployment, isolation
and all the worry born of pandemic illness
and the sickness sapping the strength and joy
of a people's soul...

All of us know all this all to well, Lord,
but for some the burden is heavier:
   for those who have more problems;
   and for those with hearts more sensitive
      to the hurt of pain and worry...

So I want to pray tonight, Lord,
for folks having a particularly difficult time
making it through these especially difficult days:
   the sick and their families and friends;
   the unemployed who can't make ends meet;
   victims of prejudice, bigotry and injustice;
   folks suffering boredom, loneliness and isolation;
   and those who live with depression, anxiety and fear...

Gather us all in the shelter of your arms, O God,
be our refuge and our strength,
our  safe place, our haven of hope,
especially, Lord, for those who find these days
to be an especially difficult time
   in their minds and in their hearts,
   in their homes and in their families,
   in their communities and their homeland,
   in their day to day personal lives...

(Here you might want to pray by name 
   for someone you know who's having a hard time these days
      - or for yourself...) 

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with Christ
and asleep, rest in his peace...


(It's been almost two months now since I shared this new song,
I think it's time to pray with it again...) 

Shelter Me by Jan Michael Joncas

Shepherd and sheep, my God and I:
to fresh green fields you led my steps in days gone by.
You gave me rest by quiet springs
and filled my soul with peace your loving presence brings.

O shelter me, O shelter me:
the way ahead is dark and difficult to see.
O shelter me, O shelter me:
all will be well if only you will shelter me.

Yet now I tread a diff’rent way;
death dogs my path with stealthy steps from day to day.
I cannot find your peaceful place
but dwell in dreary darkness, longing for your face.
I will look back in days to come
and realize your faithfulness has led me home.
Within your house I’ll find my peace,
trusting that in your mercy you have sheltered me.


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