
Monday Morning Offering: 6/8

Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Just the basics today, Lord,
just the basics...

I offer you the day ahead
whether I'm dreading it
or looking forward to it:
may it be a day I look back on
in peace...

I offer you this day
because it's the one you've given me,
the one I hope you'll walk with me
the day I want to walk with you...

I offer you this day's burdens, Lord:
large and small, heavy and light,
and pray you'll help me carry them...

I offer you this day's mistakes
- even before I make them:
help me avoid them, Lord,
and, please, when I make them,
forgive me...

I offer you:
this day's work, that it be fruitful;
this day's rest, that it be peaceful;
and this day's time, that it be blessed...

I offer you this day's smiles and joys
and pray you make sure
I don't miss even one of them...

I offer you this day's worries and fears,
the real and the imagined,
and pray you'll be in all of them
my courage and strength...

I offer you this day's tears, Lord,
and pray you gently wipe them from my eyes
and heal my hurt, the pain
from which they flow...

I offer you every encounter I have this day:
help me see and know you 
in everyone whose path I cross...

I offer you this day's challenges,
the ones I can expect and those that will surprise me:
be with me and help me through every one...

I offer you every opportunity I have today
to comfort and heal, to forgive and pardon
to lift up any who, in need,
may reach out for my help...

I offer you all the quick and quiet moments
when my mind and heart might turn to you
in praise, in need, in prayer...

I offer you what little I have
and pray that I'll be open, Lord,
to all you offer me...

So, just the basics today, Lord,
just the basics...



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