
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 6/12

Lord, I captioned last night's prayer with a question:
   Guilty pleasure or gift from God?
My walk this morning surely gave the answer:
   I thank you for the grace I found
      walking with a friend through the beauty of Great Meadows...

As the Psalmist prayed, so do I, Lord:
   Near restful waters you lead me
      to revive my drooping spirit...

            Great Meadows, Concord: Video by CP

All was gift, Lord:
   the wild flowers, your garden;
   the marsh grass waving your welcome;
   the river streaming your love;
   the chipmunks, your playmates;
   the birds, your winged angel choir;
   and the swan, your Spirit gently gliding,
      guiding my heart's steps along your path,
         my good friend by my side...

            Great Meadows, Concord: Video by CP

All was grace, Lord:
   good friends back together,
   the morning sun to warm us,
   the sky's blue dome above,
   our reunion conversation,
   omelette sandwiches for breakfast
   and, surprise:
      a toast of chardonnay in plastic cups!

All was gift, all was grace,
   all things bright and beautiful;
all this I share with all my friends,
   the bounty of God's blessings...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
   and watch over us as we sleep,
that awake, we may keep watch with you
   and asleep, rest in your peace...

All Things Bright and Beautiful: John Rutter/Cambridge Singers 


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