
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 6/19

Sacred Heart of Jesus by Dali

Today is the feast of the Heart of Jesus.

Of all the images of Jesus' heart, Salvador Dali's is my favorite. Its in-your-face divine strength contrasts with its fleshy humanity: Jesus' love offered here as a rose on the stem of the Cross... Dali's Sacred Heart portrays so clearly, so frankly the beauty and strength, the intensity and raw humanity of Christ's divine heart.  

This isn't the passive Jesus of so much religious art.   
Here is a Christ of selfless love.  Here is a Christ we can imagine fishermen leaving their boats and nets to follow.  Here is a Christ strong enough to carry any burdens we lay on his shoulders.  Here is a Christ with a heart robust enough to pump the life of its Spirit through the universe.  Here is a Christ with a heart tender enough to welcome any and all who seek refuge within it.  Here is a Christ with a heart unafraid to expose itself in love and mercyHere is a Christ with a heart ready to give itself away from unfathomable depthsHere is a Christ with a heart great enough to be the very heart of God, the heart of God's Word made flesh, the heart of Christ who laid down his life for us.

Let us pray... 

Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me...

Heart of Jesus, forgive me,
   forgive the foolishness of my sins...

Heart of Jesus, pardon me,
   pardon my crimes against others' hearts...

Heart of Jesus, help me admit to my faults,
   especially any I'm slow to acknowledge...

Heart of Jesus, help me know and confess 
   my need for your mercy... 

Heart of Jesus, fill my heart with your 
   generosity, your graciousness, your openness...

Heart of Jesus, embed my heart with your
   gentleness, your kindness, your mercy... 

Heart of Jesus, ignite my heart with your
   Spirit, your intensity, your fire...

Heart of Jesus, open my heart 
   to all the gifts you offer me...

Heart of Jesus, help me forgive those 
   whose words and deeds have wounded me...

Heart of Jesus, help me forgive those who've hurt me the most:
   open my heart to welcome them back...

Heart of Jesus, help me forgive those who've not said they're sorry,
   who haven't acknowledged the harm they've done... 

Heart of Jesus, help me love others as you love me:
   fully, freely and with forgiveness...

Heart of Jesus, help me forgive the hard-to-forgive, Lord:
   remind me of how readily you forgive me,
      regardless of what my offenses might be...

Heart of Jesus, help me graciously accept forgiveness
   when others reach out to pardon me...

Heart of Jesus, open my eyes to your heart's beauty,
   that I might enjoy life and have it to the full...

Heart of Jesus, open my will to your heart's strength:
   empower me to attend to your word and follow your path,
Heart of Jesus, open my mind to your heart's wisdom:
   lead me to do what is good, love what is just
      and walk humbly at your side...

Heart of Jesus, draw me into your heart of hearts
   where your mercy springs up and flows with abundance,
       a fountain of pardon and peace...

Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me,
   forgive me my sins
      and bring me to everlasting life...


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