
Monday Morning Offering: 7/6

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God...

It's been nearly four months now, Lord,
four months of lock down, stay at home,
masked faces and social distancing...

I know you never miss an opportunity for grace
and so I wonder, Lord, what have you been doing,
what have you been wanting to do in our lives, in my life
over these past four months...

So this morning I offer you two things:
an agenda and  a big place in my heart
for you and me to meet and talk
and work through a couple of things...

My agenda?

TO: God
RE: Meeting on 7/6/2020

Old Business

1) My pandemic-revised schedule is so different.
     Has my response been:
        a) positive or negative?
        b) cooperative or annoyed?
        c) generous or stingy?
        d) productive or wasteful?

2) I've had time to do things I never get around to
    and time to work on avoiding things best left alone:
    - how am I doing with my time management?

3) Clearly, I've had a lot more opportunity to pray.
       a) Have I deepened my prayer life?
       b) Have I wasted time when I might have prayed?
       c) Have I grown in my relationship with you?
       d) Have I drifted farther away?

4) In these pandemic days, have I:
       a) looked for moments of grace?
       b) moaned and groaned about life in general?
       c) found myself isolating?
       d) tried to reach out to others?
       e) lost my way in worry and fear?
       f) lived my life a day at a time?

New Business

       1) I just thought I should put time on my agenda
       for anything you wanted to bring to the table, Lord... 

So, I've reserved a comfortable conference room
- right in my heart, Lord -
and I'll be happy to meet you there, sometime/anytime today...

I'm offering you my agenda and my heart, Lord:
see you at the meeting!



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