Not so much of the usual July 4th hoopla this year,
things will be quiet, homey and simple...
But it's the simple things, Lord, the simple gifts
that I most dearly treasure, hold to and embrace...
The simple gifts of:
fresh fruits and vegetablesTonight, Lord, I thank you
good poetry
love songs
a cold drink or hot cup of tea or coffee
finding something true
clean water
a message from a friend
a good conversation
warmth in the winter, a breeze in the summer
any fine day in springtime or fall
sharing laughter and smiles
a hand on my shoulder
the light of the sun, the moon and the stars
the pull of the tides
a flowing stream
music, music and more music
my toes on wet grass
all the colors in nature
someone who cares
the dawn chorus and birds on the wing
a listening ear
a wide open heart
flowers of any kind, in every season
a favorite dessert
the seashore and mountain top,
gentle hills and deep valleys
the warmth of a hug
the gift of faith
the grace of mercy
the gift of life itself...
for all the simple gifts you've given me:
the ones I've forgotten, those I hold on to
and the ones I've yet to receive...
When I run after bigger, brighter prizes,
help me be content and complete
with the simple gifts I already have,
the gifts that last, the gifts I treasure,
the gifts that keep me more than I keep them...
Protect me, Lord, tonight,
keep safe my simple gifts
and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, find rest
in the simple gift of your peace...
Variations on a Shaker Melody by Aaron Copland

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