Today we celebrate our nation's Independence
and it's a day to take stock of our own independence, too...
Keep me hungry for what's real,
independent of my fantasies...
Keep me honest in my speech,
independent of the easy lie...
Keep me loyal to your word
independent of my willfulness...
Keep me just in all my dealings,
independent of deceit...
Keep me loyal to what's true,
independent of the counterfeit...
Keep me constant in compassion,
independent of self-interest...
Keep me loyal to my friends,
independent of my jealousy...
Keep me strong in self-awareness,
independent of my pride...
Keep me humble and forgiving,
independent of conceit...
Keep me positive and trusting,
independent of my fears...
Keep me steadfast in my hope,
independent of my worries...
Keep me faithful to my prayer,
independent of distraction...
Keep me steadfast in my faith,
independent of my doubt...
Help me depend upon your love,
on your grace and on your mercy,
all to free my heart to live, Lord,
independent of all else...

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