
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 7/18

Tonight's prayer is taken from
A New Zealand Prayer Book: He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

You might try praying these words slowly, three times or more,
letting the words sink in and become your own...

Lord, it is night.
The night is for stillness.
Let us be still
in your presence, O God...

It is night after a long day.
What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done.
Let it be...

The night is dark.
Let our fears of the darkness of the world
and of our own lives
rest in you, O Lord...

The night is quiet, Lord.
Let the quiet of your peace enfold us,
all who are dear to us,
and all who have no peace...

The night heralds the dawn.
Let us look expectantly to a new day,
new joys, new possibilities...

In your name, O Lord, we pray...


Sleep Chant by Karen Drucker


Sleep in peace.   Wake in joy.    Always know that I am loved.
I sleep in peace.  I wake in joy.  I always know that I am loved.
Today I live in gratitude.  Today I give my love.
And tonight when I lay my head to rest, I give thanks, I give thanks.
Sleep in peace.  Wake in joy.  Always know that I am safe.
Sleep in peace.  Wake in joy.  Always know that I am safe.
Each day I wake is a miracle.  Each day is a precious gift.
I count my blessings and feel such grace.  I give thanks. I give thanks.

I sleep in peace.  I wake in joy.  I always know that all is well.
I sleep in peace.  I wake in joy.  I always know that all is well.

I sleep in peace.  Wake in joy.  Always know that I am loved.
Sleep in peace.    Wake in joy.  Always know that I am loved.

Sleep in peace.  Wake in joy.  Always know that I am safe.
Sleep in peace.  Wake in joy.  I always know that I am safe.

I sleep in peace.  I wake in joy.  I always know that all is well.
I sleep in peace.  I wake in joy.  I always know that all is well.

Photo from Falmouth Heights Beach by Mark Penta


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