July 18, 2007 was a rainy day and for me - a day off. Having mused for some time about starting a blog I took the occasion of the weather and my free time to poke around online to see how one begins to blog. I followed the directions I found and, to my amazement, within a few hours I had a blog online and I wrote these words as my first post:
I have often thought of starting a blog and this rainy afternoon has provided an opportunity for me to give it a try. I don't know if I have or can make the time to keep this fresh but I do know that if it becomes stale, it will disappear. (I'm not even sure I'll be able to set this thing up and get it online!)Well, 13 years have passed and I've posted at least once every day for a total of 9,246 posts. Yes, this takes time but writing this page is one of the joys of my life and ministry: I always look forward to it and it never feels like work. I thank God for the opportunity to do this, for the Holy Spirit's help and for all of you who come here to pause for prayer in your daily lives. If reading this blog is as much a help in your prayer life as writing this page is in mine, then I am very grateful, indeed.
So, let's see how this goes...
I began writing this blog when I was, indeed, a Pastor in Concord. As you know, my pastorate in Concord ended on May 31, 2019 and I'm now a senior vicar at St. Luke and St. Joseph Parishes in Belmont. Happily, the priest who succeeded me as pastor in Concord had no problem with my keeping my blog's title - for which I'm very grateful! I miss being able to introduce myself as a pastor of a parish but I do experience a pastor's ministry here on line and that wouldn't be possible apart from you, my readers, who are my cyber parish in spirit and in prayer!
Many of you come directly to my blog and many arrive here through FaceBook and Twitter. Readers often write and ask if it's all right to forward or share my posts with others. My answer is always the same: YES! If you find something here worth sharing with others, please do! I'm always grateful for your help in this regard. (Just be sure to supply a link back here so that others will be able to find my page!)
So, trusting that I've kept this effort fresh, please keep me in your prayers as I begin the 14th year of A Concord Pastor Comments.

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