Little kids know how to pray at night, Lord,
they do it the simple way:
God bless mommy and daddy
God bless grammy and grampy
God bless Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary
God bless my brothers and sisters
God bless all my friends...
I'd like to be a kid again tonight, Lord,
I'd like to pray the simple way...
God bless my parents, give them good health
or hold them forever in heaven, in peace...
God bless my children, your best gifts to me,
help me be a good parent, all through their lives...
God bless my siblings, sisters and brothers,
heal any hurt that keeps us apart...
God bless my grandparents, uncles and aunts
and all of my cousins, far away and nearby...
God bless my friends and my neighbors, too,
make me faithful, helpful and kind to each one...
God bless all those whose lives have touched mine
with wisdom, encouragement, friendship and joy...
God bless the poor, the homeless and hungry,
help me reach out to serve with a generous heart...
God bless all those you entrust to my care,
make me gentle but strong all that I do...
God bless the folks who have led me to faith,
to the gospel, to prayer, to you and your truth...
God bless the people who keep me in prayer
and all those to whom I've promised my prayers...
God bless the world with lasting peace,
the peace that only you can give...
God bless us all, awake or asleep,
help us keep watch with you and rest
safely in your peace...
The Lord Bless You and Keep You by John Rutter
The Lord bless you and keep you:
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
To shine upon you and be gracious,
and be gracious unto you
The Lord bless you and keep you:
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
To shine upon you and be gracious,
and be gracious unto you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
To shine upon you and be gracious,
and be gracious unto you
The Lord lift up the light
Of His countenance upon you,
The Lord lift up the light
Of His countenance upon you,
And give you peace,
And give you peace,
And give you peace,
And give you peace
Of His countenance upon you,
The Lord lift up the light
Of His countenance upon you,
And give you peace,
And give you peace,
And give you peace,
And give you peace

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