
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 7/16

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I love the little things others do for me, Lord,
things that really make my day!

But I think I too often overlook, I miss, I just don't see
all the little things YOU do for me:
I forget that all good gifts, big and small,
come from your heart and hand - into mine...

It's so easy for me, each day, to miss all the ways you:
   whisper your word in my heart
   open my eyes to beauty
   lead my mind to the truth
   help me make the right choice
   give me the strength to go on
   show me the path to take
   give me a second chance
   open my eyes to what's just
   lift me up when I'm feeling down
   restore my trust when I'm doubtful
   forgive me again and again
   calm my troubled heart
   invite me to walk by your side
   touch my heart with healing
   send me your Spirit's wisdom
   steer me away from trouble
   never leave my side
   give me a reason to smile
   draw me out of my fear
   nudge me to do the right thing
   lead me to trust in your love
   call me to spend time in prayer...

Actually - these aren't small things at all, Lord!
These are big things, important things,
things you do for me all the time
- and more than I can count...

Still, all too often, Lord, I overlook, I miss, I just don't see
so many things you do for me, large and small
so I pray you'll open me
to all the gifts and blessings I receive:
little things you do for me - that aren't so small at all...



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