

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Today I lift up to you, Lord,
some unfinished business from last week:
   please give me in the days ahead
   the time and energy I need
   to get that business done...

And I lift up to you
that one person I need to be in touch with:
   please help me make that call, write that letter,
   send that email or get together
   with... well, Lord, you-know-who...

I lift up to you the broken pieces of that situation
- you know this one, too, Lord: 
   help me work this week on the forgiving,
   the healing and the mending
   I know is mine to do...

And I lift up to you, Lord, the debt I owe the poor,
after spending so freely on my own desires:
   give me a push to volunteer,
   to give a gift or write a check,
   in support of those in need...

I lift up to you the time I spent last week
feeling sorry for myself, Lord:
   help me begin to be more honest
   about my life and my responsibilities;
   keep me from stewing in self-pity...

And I lift up all the planning and preparing
- I haven't done:
  help me keep it in today, Lord,
   but let me do what I can do
   to be ready for tomorrow...

I lift up to you any backsliding
on all my good intentions:
   help me take a few steps forward this week
   and begin to make some progress...

I lift up to you everything I've done
to put off the things I need to do:
   help me catch up and complete
   what's gone undone for far too long...

I lift up to you the week just past
and ask mercy where I've failed, Lord:
  help me begin to be more faithful
  in bringing to fulfillment
  all the work that's mine to do...

Beginning today, Lord,
   beginning this morning,
      beginning right now...



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