I was trying to recall, Lord,
if I know any folks who are trouble free,
not a burden to their name,
no backpack of worries to weigh them down...
Well, I know a lot of people, Lord,
but not even one person in my experience
fits this description - and certainly not me,
regardless of what some might think...
So, we're all one big band of weary travelers, Lord,
making our way home to you, day by day:
looking for your help; praying for your shade;That's us, Lord!
grateful for your company; much in need of healing;
grieving all our losses, reclaiming our serenity;
sometimes sad and lonely, sometimes filled with joy;
walking, stumbling, running, falling, getting up again;
hoping that tomorrow will bring some needed peace;
longing for a day, an hour, when worry takes a break;
believing, doubting, questioning, resolving our dilemmas;
falling to temptation, regretting bad decisions,
asking for your pardon, basking in your mercy;
picking up new troubles, laying some aside;
clinging to our pride, surrendering to your grace;
resting at the end of day and praying for your peace...
A band of weary travelers,
following in your footsteps,
seeking your compassion,
your company and friendship,
your protection and your shelter,
at the end of every day...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us when we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Come To Me, O Weary Traveler by Dunstan / Tate
Come to me, O weary traveler,
come to me with your distress,
come to me you heavy burdened,
come to me and find your rest,
come to me and find your rest.
Do not fear, my yoke is easy,
do not fear, my burden's light;
do not fear the path before you;
do not run from me in fright,
do not run from me in fright.
Take my yoke and leave your troubles;
take my yoke and come with me.
Take my yoke, I am beside you;
take and learn humility,
take and learn humility.
Rest in me, O weary traveler,
rest in me and do not fear.
Rest in me, my heart is gentle,
rest and cast away your care,
rest and cast away your care.

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