I pray tonight, Lord,
for my brothers and sisters in Texas and Louisiana,
bracing themselves and waiting anxiously
for Hurricane Laura to make landfall...
And I pray for those who've left their homes and belongings behind
to protect their families and themselves
from harm and even death...
I will not, tonight, Lord, complain or question
why you allow such disasters to threaten those you love:
first, because I'm not sure this mystery allows of any answer;
and second, because the life and peace of others
are my primary concern...
I pray you protect all those who live and travel
in Laura's destructive path...
I pray for the poor and homeless
who are especially vulnerable in such circumstances...
I pray for first responders
moving quickly, generously and selflessly,
to assist all those in need...
I pray for the preservation of homes, people's shelter
and their belongings, especially family treasures,
souvenirs of life, of love, of time gone by...
And I pray that lives be spared, injuries be few,
damage be minimal, and our faith sustained
even when tested by nature's frightful ways...
Especially tonight, Lord:
protect the people of Louisiana and Texas
while they lie awake, waiting for this storm to strike;
watch over and shelter them
'til the blessed relief of sleep is theirs once more,
that awake, they may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest, in the shelter of your peace...
Shelter Me by Jan Michael Joncas
Shepherd and sheep, my God and I:
to fresh green fields you led my steps in days gone by.
You gave me rest by quiet springs
and filled my soul with peace your loving presence brings.
O shelter me, O shelter me:
the way ahead is dark and difficult to see.
O shelter me, O shelter me:
all will be well if only you will shelter me.
Yet now I tread a diff’rent way;
death dogs my path with stealthy steps from day to day.
I cannot find your peaceful place
but dwell in dreary darkness, longing for your face.
I will look back in days to come
and realize your faithfulness has led me home.
Within your house I’ll find my peace,
trusting that in your mercy you have sheltered me.

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