
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 8/27

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All summer long, Lord, my breakfast has included
two cups of cantaloupe, strawberries and blueberries
which, in my humble opinion,
is a combination worthy of being
a proof of your existence!

As one does when praying before a meal, Lord,
I bow my head and thank you that such a fruitful feast,
(served with a cup of yogurt and following an omelette)
breaks my fast each morning...

And I think of and I pray, Lord,
for the millions of people around the world *
whose fast goes unbroken, all day long,
where food is scarce or not at all,
for men, women - and children...

So, in my prayer before breakfast, Lord,
I ask you to open my heart and my wallet
as freely and generously
as you open your harvest, your bounty, to me...

It's a blessing to find your presence, Lord,
in the food that fills and sustains me,
but a far greater gift for my heart to find you
in its hunger for what truly feeds my soul...

Nourish me with your goodness, Lord,
help me reach out to those who are hungry
and train my appetite to long for that food
sweeter than my daily bread...


* If this prayer moves you to reach out to the hungry
- as it does me - you might consider supporting  
Healthy Equity International, formerly known as 
the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation - always on my sidebar!


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