
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 8/22

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Had dinner last night with an old friend, Lord.
Well, actually, he's not so old, he's younger than I
but we've been friends for a long time, since the late 80's,
so that makes us old friends...

Like a fine wine, Lord, a friendship  improves in quality
by virtue of its longevity and the care taken in its preservation
as two friends care for each other, through thick and thin,
and for the bond they share and keep...

A vintage friendship takes time, Lord,
maturing slowly, over decades, 
aging, not spoiling,
in casks of loyalty and trust...

I'm grateful for this choice friendship, Lord,
and for the newer vintages coming of age 
in the wine cellar of my heart 
- but grateful most of all for you, my oldest friend 
and for the bond that's ours
maturing slowly, over decades,
aging, not spoiling,
in casks of loyalty and trust, 
fidelity and prayer,
in the love we share and keep...



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