
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 11/4

We all need a break, Lord!
But when the news is so compelling, 
    it's not easy to turn away 
        from the numbers and the pundits...
One question haunts me, Lord: What is truth? 
Now, who said that???  Ah, yes!  A government official:
    - Pontius Pilate... John 18:38

Help us get to the truth, Lord,
    in this season of doubt and rumor and obfuscation,
        help us get to the whole truth and nothing but the truth... 

Help us discern the truth, Lord:
    we don't do very well at finding it on our own:
 we need your help,
    we need your reassurance,
        we need your wisdom and your grace...

We need your counsel to help us find and keep
    what's true, what's real, what heals...

We need your grace to give us strength
    where we are weak and ineffective...
We need your Spirit for a jump-start
    when our energy is low...

We need a barrel full of hope
    to see us through these troubled days...

We need to learn to help each other
    and to welcome others' help...

We need to trust one another
    as once we did before;
we need to trust 
    those with whom we disagree;
we need to trust one another
    for the sake of the common good;
we need to trust in a truth
    greater than our self-interest,
    greater than our ideologies,
    greater than our partisan dogmatism,
    greater than the mean, small spirit tempting us
        to be less, much less than we can be...   

We need to trust, Lord, 
    that all shall be well, that all shall be well,
        that all manner of things shall be well...

Help us let go and let you, Lord, be
    our strength, our hope, our peace...

Be with us, Lord, while we're awake,
    be with us as we sleep
that awake we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

(We all need a break, so tonight's song is a break
from the usual musical style you find here.  Baylor
University writes a hymn for each incoming freshman
class. This is the hymn for the Class of 2022: a song,
a call, a vision of hope for the future...)
Shining Bright 


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