
Monday Morning Offering; 6/14

Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Monday it is, Lord,
and gratitude's my offering today...

I offer you thanks for the times last week
when you helped me up when I was down,
breathed in me a second wind
and gave me hope when mine ran out:
    Lord, walk with me again 

       today and through the week ahead...

I offer you thanks for the times last week
when you helped me see where I went wrong,
pointed me again in the right direction
and gave me a kick in the butt:
    Lord, please help, nudge and kick me again 

       today and through the week ahead...

I offer you thanks for the times last week
when you called me to your side,
waited calmly when I blew you off
and listened patiently when, at last, I came around:
   call me to your side and hear me, Lord,
       today and through the week ahead...

I offer you thanks for the times last week
when I accepted help that came my way,
when I reached out to meet my neighbor's need,
when compassion shaped my words and deeds:
    Lord, open my heart even wider 

       today and through the week ahead...

I offer you thanks for the times last week
when I lived in peace with you,
with those whose paths cross mine
and even with myself:
    help me find such peace again, Lord,
       today and through the week ahead...

(And if I didn't find all that last week,
then open my heart, my eyes, my ears
and help me find it this week, Lord!)




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