
Pause for Prayer: Thursday 6/17

It's Throwback Thursday, Lord!
I'm in the third grade here
and I actually remember that shirt, a favorite,
patterned with little trowels and levels:
I'm sure I chose to wear it for "picture day"
at the Maple Street School...

By then, Lord, I'd been receiving you in Communion
for just about a year, every Sunday, at St. Mary's in Danvers,
and praying to you each night 
before I went to bed...

I wonder, Lord: 
is my prayer today much different 
than in 1955?
What's become of my prayer and our relationship
over these 66 years?

I still come to you with all my needs,
my hurts and secret fears... 

I still come to say I'm sorry
when I've failed to follow and be faithful 
to your word...

I still come to praise and thank you
for all the ways you bless me...
I still come promising
to leave my bad habits behind,
making room for the good
and pledging to do better...
I still come hoping you'll mend and fix what's broken
in my body, in my heart and in my life;
praying that you'll help me pass my next test, 
teach me right from wrong,
heal the ones I love,
show me where to turn,
deliver me from evil 
and make me strong to do the things
that I'm afraid to face...
I still come as a child, 
tugging on your sleeve, 
praying for your help, 
looking for a hug to reassure me 
that you are mine and I'm still yours...
Well, it seems, Lord, a lot hasn't changed
since I was in third grade
- but I pray my faith is stronger,
    my hope in you more trusting
       and my love for all much deeper
          than in 1956...
And I'm grateful, Lord, 
that you've not changed:
   that you're still mine 
      and I'm still yours
         and so we'll ever be...



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