
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 9/14

    Roses by God, photo by CP (9/8/21)

A few weeks ago, Lord, 
the rose bush in the rectory yard bore only
remnants of her summer glory:
more petals on the ground than on the branches,
reminders of the season changing all around...

I thought to snap a photo of the last rose of summer
but it seems I was too late:
she had surrendered to autumn's soft approach
sooner, more graciously than I
and her frock lay in tatters on the lawn...

But then come Saturday
    - a bumper crop of roses!
I've never seen the likes of this before, Lord:
    does it happen every fall?
Do September showers and sunshine
    reprise each year a song first sung last May?
Is this a little miracle?  Or something just as natural 
as all the ways you grace us with surprises,
with unexpected gifts you drop 
into our unsuspecting laps and lives?

What buds were hidden in that bush, Lord,
waiting your cue to make their debut and 
offer me a few more days of wonder
- and the last rose of summer?

I'll take all the little miracles you've got, Lord,
and I promise, I pledge, to share them with my friends
who also need a few more days of wonder,
natural surprises, little miracles of grace,
dropping gently from your hand
into our undeserving, always grateful hearts...




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