
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 6/25

Based on conversations I've had with women and men whose journey I've shared through many years of ministry, I offer this Night Prayer...
I've been thinking all day, Lord,
of the different ways that different people
hear the news from SCOTUS
- and how it touches their hearts...
I'm thinking - and praying - especially for those 
whose hearts are pierced by painful memories,
reminders and flashbacks,
stirred up again from years ago
or just last month or last week...

I'm thinking - and praying - especially for those
with memories of struggles 
and difficult choices,
regrets or remorse - or both or neither...
I'm thinking - and praying - especially for those
with unsettled confusion, unanswered questions;
living with secrets, shared and kept,
with confidences, honored and betrayed...
I'm thinking - and praying - especially for those
who want to move on - but don't know the way;
who wonder and fear, who despair and pray
to find the peace that eludes the grasp
of hearts that ache to somehow know
    that all can be well, that all shall be well,
    that all manner of things shall be well...

Let your mercy break through as sunlight, Lord,
embracing with strong gentle arms
    any who seek your heart as their refuge,
    any who long for your whisper of love,
    any who need your healing touch,
        your compassion, mercy and pardon,
    any who long to hope again      
        that all can be well, that all shall be well,
        that all manner of things shall be well...
I'm thinking - and praying - for all these, Lord,
hold them close in the palm of your hand:
    'til all things well,'til all things are well,
    'til all manner of things be well...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

All Shall Be Well by Barbara Bridge
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All shall be well.  All shall be well, 
and all manner of thing,*
all manner of thing shall be well.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
My help will come from God,
my creator, from God who made heaven and earth.

God will keep your feet from stumbling
and guard you as you rest;
for God never slumbers nor sleeps.
God is with you by day and by night.

For God will always guard you from evil
and keep your soul from harm;
and God will guard your coming and going,
both now and forever more.

*The refrain is a well known, much loved quote from 
Julian of Norwich who died in the early 15th century.
In the language of her time "All manner of thing" was
an acceptable figure of speech.  If, in our own time, 
you prefer to sing "things," go right ahead! 




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