
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/23

As  I pray tonight, Lord, 
    your voice is thundering in the skies,
    booming out a warning: weather's on the way!
Thunder comes of lightning but I haven't seen its light,
there's just the rumbling of your word, Lord,
    rolling through the heavens,
    its message wrapped in mystery,
    sounding in my heart of hearts,
    deep within my soul...

Are you shouting to me, Lord
    - that I might finally pay attention?
Have I failed to hear your whispers?
Not listened when you've called me?
Been deaf to you in prayer?
Have I missed what you've been telling me     
    each time I read your word? 

Do whatever it takes, Lord!
Whatever it takes to get my ear,
    turn my head - turn my heart -
    to listen for, to listen to your voice
    when you whisper, thunder, 
        speak and call me
    to the wisdom of your word...

Speak, Lord, 
I love to listen to your voice:
see, Lord - here I am!

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep rest in your peace...

Speak, Lord, I'm Listening by Gary Ault
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