On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. This Pentecost night we pray for the Spirit's coming in our world, in our lives, in our hearts...
Send us your Spirit again, Lord,
over the whole of creation,
over all that is seen and unseen,
and give us the wisdom, desire and will
to conserve all the gifts you've given
and entrusted to our care...
Send us your Spirit again, Lord,
over all the nations around the globe
and by the grace of your Spirit's power:
help us lay down our weapons
and bring an end to all war,
help us warmly welcome the stranger
who comes to our shores
and knocks on our door seeking refuge...
Send us your Spirit again, Lord:
to heal our divided country,
to mend our broken government,
to make fair and just our system of laws,
to provide for the common good
and protect the weak and defenseless...
Send us your Spirit again, Lord,
into the hearts of us all:
to enlighten our minds, our thoughts and ideas,
to shape our decisions and choices,
to prompt us to do what is kind and pure,
to lead us to serve without counting the cost,
to help us work for peace that lasts,
to turn to you in sorrow and joy,
to praise you for your saving love
and for every good gift that's ours...
(Take some time now to ponder and pray,
"Where do I need the Spirit to come into my life
tonight, this week, this month, this year?")
Send us your Spirit, O Lord
shadows have clouded,
shadows have clouded,
have crowded our sight;
give us hearts that see,
give us hearts that see,
set our loving free,
send us your Spirit, O Lord!
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Send Us Your Spirit by Dan Schutte
performed by The Sunday 7pm Choir
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