
Pause for Prayer: PENTECOST SUNDAY 2023

The lilies in this post belong to the family Gloriosa.
I look upon them as nature's bow to Pentecost Sunday.
Today's post includes:
    - the scriptural account of the first Pentecost,
        as recorded in Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11  
    - today's Pause for Prayer
    - and a song for celebrating this feast

"When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,
    they were all in one place together...

  "And suddenly there came from the sky
      a noise like a strong driving wind,
         and it filled the entire house in which they were...

  "Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
       which parted and came to rest on each one of them...

"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit...    
And they began to speak in different tongues,
        as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim...
                    Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Tongues of fire descending,
    resting soft upon your friends,
flames that neither scorched nor singed
    but rather, Lord, anointed them
to speak out loud what burned within,
    ablaze with gospel joy,
to be understood by all
    of every nation, race and tongue...
When I hear your Spirit's whisper,
    when I feel your Spirit's heat,
when the Spirit fans to flame the word
    embedded in my heart,
when you call me to announce the truth,
    the wisdom that you are,
give me grace and strength to do, Lord.
    all you seek and ask of me... 
Strengthen, bless, anoint me,
    make me faithful to my mission:
with the Spirit's sweet assurance,
    guide my hands in all I do...
When my weakness leads to failure
    send your Spirit for my healing
to counsel and inspire me
    to deeper, faithful service...

Send forth your Holy Spirit, Lord,
    renew creation's face
and with fire, wind and power
    send me out to share your peace... 

Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective
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