
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 7/10

I have a young friend who's been raising orchids for a decade.  He began with a seedling for a Prosthechea chochleata.  This "clamshell orchid," the national flower of Brazil, is found from Florida to Venezuela. My friend has been tending this plant for a 10 years - and just last week - it bloomed for the first time!

    Photo by GD
I hope, Lord, and I pray
you're as patient with my growing
as was my gardening friend 
with his seedling clamshell orchid...

Look upon my life, O Lord,
with his patient, tender care
and his hopeful expectation
of beauty yet to be...

I trust, Lord, and I pray
what you've planted deep within me
you have tended and you've nursed
through my idle, dormant days...
And I thank you, Lord, for times
when you've trimmed and pruned away
what's kept my life from flowering
in your mercy and your grace...
I pray, Lord, and believe 
you bring to bloom what you have planted,
you reap what you have sown,
and you harvest what you've grown...
In your season, in your time, Lord,
through the years and over decades
bring to flower in my life
what you've planted and protected...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
    watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I keep the watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song is more often sung in Advent, 
but it seems to suit our prayer tonight, midsummer!

Patience, People by John Foley, SJ

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Patience, people, till the Lord is come. 
See the farmer await the yield of the soil. 
He watches it in winter and in spring rain. 
Patience, people, for the Lord is coming. 
Patience, people, till the Lord is come. 
You have seen the purpose of the Lord. 
You know of His compassion and His mercy. 
Patience, people, for the Lord is coming. 
Patience, people, till the Lord is come. 
Steady your hearts, for the Lord is close at hand. 
And do not grumble, one against the other. 
Patience People for the Lord is coming.




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