I don't have a preaching assignment this weekend so I'm missing the opportunity to speak on Jesus handing Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. I'll use this Night Prayer, then, to share some thoughts on the keys that open our hearts to Jesus' reign in our lives.
Come with the key to my soul,O Lord:
unlock my heart and open me up
to welcome in and receive every grace,
unlock my heart and open me up
to welcome in and receive every grace,
every blessing and gift you bring...
Come with the key to my mind, Lord,
and sort through all my confusion;
and sort through all my confusion;
open my thoughts to your wisdom and light,
your presence, your truth and your peace...
Come with the keys to my problems, Lord
and open the doors of my heart:
show me your plan, your will for me
and the path that leads to your peace...
Come with the key to my selfishness, Lord:
unlock what I hoard and I hide:
help me to share the bounty that's mine
- I know I have more than I need...
Come with the key to my hopes and my dreams,
from despair and self-pity, Lord, free me:
from despair and self-pity, Lord, free me:
release me from fear that's holding me back
and open my heart to trust in your word...
Come with the keys to my feelings, Lord,
my grudges, hurts and resentments;
open my soul to your healing touch,
with your mercy and grace set me free...
Come with your keys, Lord, to open within me
the place where I store my sadness and grief;
open my heart to live through, with patience,
your mystery of rising from sorrow to joy...
Come with the keys of your pardon and peace
and open my mind, my heart and my soul
to the rule of your saving love, O Lord,
the reign of your grace in my life...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Spirit, Open My Heart
Lyrics by Ruth Duck, arranged by Alfred Fedak
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Spirit open my heart
To the joy and pain of living
As you love may I love
In receiving and in giving
Spirit, open my heart
1 God, replace my stony heart
with a heart that's kind and tender.
All my coldness and fear
to your grace I now surrender.
2 Write your love upon my heart
as my law, my goal, my story.
In each thought, word, and deed,
may my living bring you glory.
3 May I weep with those who weep,
share the joy of sister, brother.
In the welcome of Christ,
may we welcome one another.
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