
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 8/26

Here's the bottom line, Lord:
    no one's more important
    in the story of my life
    than you...

So many characters in my tale, Lord,
and though I often put myself first
I really do know that 

    no one's more important
    in the story of my life
    than you...

And there are times, Lord, 
when I put others first, ahead of myself,
 - and that's good -
but if I put them ahead of you
(as I sometimes do)
then I'm forgetting that
    no one's more important
    in the story of my life
    than you...

Sometimes, it's things that I prioritize:
things I have, things I need, things I want,
- even things I might give others -

but it's so easy to forget, Lord,
that above all else I might desire,
    nothing's more important
    in the story of my life
    than you...

When I put you in second place, Lord
- or third or fourth or lower -
then my story twists and turns,

it starts to fall apart
it fails to find the peace it seeks,
the story of the love 
that you and I are meant to share... 

But there are the times, Lord, 
when I do put you first 
and then, deep within my soul
I know that all is well
and that all will be well,
that all will be is as it should be
for you're the author of my tale
    and no one's more important
    in the story of my life
    than you, Lord,
    no one's more important
    than you...





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