
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 8/6

Today, Lord, the Church remembers your Transfiguration
when, on a mountain top, you revealed your glory
and your face shone like the sun 
and your clothes became white as light...

And today, Lord, the world remembers another light,
a blinding light, searing human flesh in Hiroshima
and instantly claiming 80,000 men, women and children
and, in the aftermath, tens of thousands more
of injuries, radiation burns and sickness...

Humankind's inhumanity to humankind:
   Lord, have mercy!
   Christ, have mercy!
   Lord, have mercy!

How easily we forget your command, Lord:
Love one another as I have loved you!

How easily we excuse ourselves when we fail to love 
    on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, 
    religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status, 
    age, mental ability and physical ability, personal appearance,
    military status or political affiliation...

How easily, Lord, 
    we drop verbal and emotional bombs in our neighbors' lives...
How easily, Lord,
    we sear each other's souls with rumor, gossip and lies...
How easily, Lord, 
    we shoot down a neighbor's good name and repute...

How easily, Lord, 
    we inflict social wounds with our bigotry and bias, 
        our resentment and prejudice...
How easily we forget, Lord: we are
    our sister's keeper, 
    our brother's keeper
    and our neighbor's keeper,  
-whoever our neighbor might be
    and wherever our neighbor might live...

Hasten the day when we heed your word
    and love our neighbor 
        as we love ourselves   
    and honor our neighbor's native place
        as we honor the homeland we call our own...
You alone are our God and we are your children
    - brothers and sisters, one and all -
and for each of us, with equal love,
    your gave yourself and laid down your life
in mercy for us who fail to love 
    - in sometimes truly mortal ways...
Your peace you gave, Lord, for us to share, 
    help us keep the peace we find in you
and hasten the day when the peace you are 
    is the peace of the world we all call home...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


(This was an unusually heavy Night Prayer... I hope and pray
this song will bring us peace and its lyrics offer hope...) 

This Is My Song

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