
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 8/31

Thank you, Lord, 
    for all your help
    (through months, weeks, days and hours)
    the times when I was at a loss
    with nowhere left to turn...

Thank you, Lord,
   for friends and family
   (strangers, too!)
   all there to lend a hand
   when I was most needed help...

Thank you, Lord,
   for patience
   (time and time again!)
   when I was so impatient
   and had no time for you...

Thank you, Lord,
   for faith
   (in  you, in me, in others)
   when all I had were questions
   and doubt became my creed...

Thank you, Lord,
   for strength
   (the power of perseverance)
   when I was at my weakest
   and couldn't help myself...

Thank you, Lord,
   for all your gifts
   (far more than I can count)
   especially those I've yet to find,
   to open and to share... 
 Thank you, Lord,
   for wisdom
   (as foolish as I am)
   to help me make good choices
   and do what must be done...

Thank you Lord,
   for hope
   (and the dreams hope keeps alive)
   and for trusting in tomorrow,
   the unknown that lies ahead...

Thank you, Lord,
   for being there
   in ways I often miss
   but in just the ways I need you
   in good times and in bad...

And thank you, Lord, 
    for grace
   (your amazing awesome grace)
   leading, guiding, healing me,
   forgiving and consoling me,
   challenging, supporting me
especially, Lord, through all those times,
   (those months, weeks, days and hours)
   times when I was at a loss     
   with nowhere left to turn...

Thank you, Lord, 
    for you,
    for without you I am lost
    but with you I am found,
    never to be lost again...

In you, O Lord, I live,
    I move and have my being...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Nothing Without You by Jason Nelson
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In Him do I live, move, and have my beingIn Him do I live, move, and have my being  
Cause I'm nothing without YouI'm nothing without You
So breathe through meAnd live in meLet Your glory reign in me
I'm nothing without You




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