
Pause for Prayer: 8/31

Today, Lord, help me 
    do no wrong in word or deed,  
    do no wrong to my neighbor,
    do no wrong to my family,
    do no wrong to my friends,
    do no wrong to my colleagues,  
    do no wrong to those who offend me,
    do no wrong to strangers,
    and do no wrong to myself...
Today, Lord, help me
    speak the truth and do the right thing,
    cherish my family and help my neighbor,
    treasure my friends and value my colleagues,
    pardon those who offend me,
    be gentle and kind to strangers,
    and respect the person you made me to be...
Help me, Lord, to love you:
    to do no harm, to do no wrong,
    to love my neighbor as myself
    and to love all those 
        whose paths cross mine today...




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