
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/29

That it even caught my eye may be a telltale sign 
that I've been watching for, anticipating, 
maybe even dreading, Lord,
the first of many signs from you
that autumn has begun to stir 
and leave her mark on summer's fading beauty...

It was just a subtle, yellow blush,
    brushed high upon a branch,
a sampling of your palette, Lord
    where even now you're mixing paints
to set the trees ablaze  in the hues and tints, 
    the tones and shades,
        of autumn's coming glory...
And so, I pray...
Prepare me for the passing, Lord,
    of summer's lazy warmth,
her longer days and shorter nights,
    her sunny kiss upon my cheek,
her gentle breezes cooling me
    in green and shady groves...

Prepare me as the seasons change
    for letting go what I hold dear;
remind me, in my grief, Lord,
    that you're always there, right by my side
        with mercy and compassion
in the mystery of new seasons
    still unfolding in their beauty,
        in my heart, my soul, my life...

It's good to know, I need to know
    you're always with me, Lord,
in the passing of my season's change,
    the changes in my life...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Once more, my search for music for Night Prayer has led me
to a song I'd never heard by a composer I'd never encountered.
(But, yes - I was familiar with the other half of the duet!)
Seasons Change by Bishop Paul Morton

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!

In the snowy, cold of winter, underneath the cloudy sky,
In the middle of December, you share the thinking why;
Why do the leaves fall, why does the sky fill up with gray,
Where do the birds go, think about it seasons change.

Sometimes life is gray like winter, and the tears fall from your eyes
Your heart is cold like December, you start to wonder why;
Where did my faith go, why don't things ever go my way,
Why don't my friends call, be encouraged
'cause seasons change.

Just like a bell has got to ring, just like a bird has got to sing.
Just like the sun has got to shine, just like a poem has got to rhyme.
Just like a river has to flow, just like the wind has got to blow;
After the rain, after your pain,
You won't be the same,
'cause seasons change.

Jesus calmed the raging sea,
Jesus set the captives free,
Jesus gave sight to the blind,
Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus broke the grip of sin,
Jesus died and He rose again,
He'll do it for you, He'll carry you through,
He'll make you brand new
'cause seasons change.
Just like a bell has got to ring, just like a bird has got to sing.
Just like the sun has got to shine, just like a poem has got to rhyme.
Just like a river has to flow, just like the wind has got to blow;
After the rain, after your pain,
You won't be the same, 
 'cause seasons change.

It's good to know that You're with me
In the passing of my season's change…




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